Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Summer travel season

Accoutrement - Equipment needed for a particular activity.

That is it in a nut shell!

Magnets and Beading case allows all stitching tools to be organized, compact, insight and easily accessible while still being able to pack-up quickly to be on the go!

Having the right tools for the job makes all the difference!

 Accoutrement Designs Magnets and Cases are a stitchers friend.

Making for easy, fast and efficient beading and stitching on any kind of transportation.  
Planes, Trains, Automobiles, Buses, Boats as well as in a class or at home.

Saturday, May 18, 2019

Happy World Whisky Day! Slàinte

Celebrated annually on the 3rd Saturday in May
Other similar days:
 International Whisk(e)y Day March 27th
National Bourbon Day on June 14th
Scotch Day July 27th

Sláinte is the basic form in Irish Gaelic. In Irish Gaelic, the response to sláinte is 
sláinte agad-sa which translates "to your health as well".

The basic Scottish Gaelic equivalent is slàinte (mhath), (pronounced slan-ge-var) with the same meaning,              to which the normal response is do dheagh shlàinte "your good health".

Celebrate by using these magnets on your canvas, on your person, to decorate or as a gift.

Irish Flag Shamrock, Glass of Scotch, Game of Thrones, Unicorn, Deer, Thistle

Available at fine needlework shops worldwide.